Summer + Working Moms + Kids with Autism =
Crazy Days Ahead!
After the winter we had, I want to be excited about summer. I want to be excited about our upcoming summer vacation. I do. I really, really do. Thursday is Norrin’s last day of the official school year. Then we have a few days off and we return for the summer session.
Norrin has autism and he’ is in a 12-month school program. Which is good a thing. For him. And for me. But summer can be tough. It presents a new set of problems especially for moms like me who also work outside the home. And autism to the mix? It’s a real party.
Related: The Pros & Cons of Summer When Your Kid has Autism
As a secretary, I don’t have the option to work from home but I am grateful for the 2 days of the work week, when I get out at a little bit earlier than 5:30. (We also get Summer Fridays.)
I love the summer months but there’s nothing really “special” about it for working moms. For some, summer is even more stressful. (Or maybe it’s just me.)
Because there’s no slowing down…we’re still on a schedule.
Except our schedule has changed.
And being out of our daily routine is like…
even though life, as a working mom, is still the same.
Except its hot. So unbearably New York City humid sticky hot.
And the days are longer. Which means my kid goes to bed later and wakes up earlier. And there’s all this extra energy.
Which means that I go to bed later and wake earlier. I mean it is summer. Getting home at 7pm, it’s still daylight – I get excited and think I have so much time to do all the things. I am more sleep deprived than usual during the summer.
Related: Stages of Sleep Deprivation on
Side note: I just love when typical moms tell me how lucky I am that I have summer covered because my kid goes to school 12-months a year. Um….no.
Don’t get me wrong. I love my kid.
And I love summer and spending the extra time with him…
but at some point in the summer, I find myself longing for the school year to begin. I long to return routine. It’s just easier for me. Is that so bad?
DO NOT even get me started on those last few weeks of August when there’s no more school…because child care for special needs kids sucks.
Makes that first day of school in September feel like Christmas.
Summer vacation actually will just start this Monday for my girls, but I happen to love summer. Still, I know what you mean and trust me in a week from now, I will probably longing for that last one and school to start again!! 🙂