Girl, Reconstructed: Crafting a Creative Business as a Special-Needs Mom by Nellie Escalante
I have the pleasure to call Nellie a friend and fellow warrior mom. Our friendship first developed first on line – the way autism mom friendships usually do. I started reading her blog and I became obsessed with her Etsy shop.
I love her use of recycled materials and repurposed items. Nellie recreates fashion forward pieces reflective of culture, art and her passion for advocacy. And on her blog, Nellie also shares DIY projects like how to Make a Belt from Boots and Make a Sleeved Scarf from a Sweater.
Related: Autism Awareness Fashion by Nelesc Designs
When Nellie told me that she was in the process of writing her book, I knew it was one that had to be part of my library. I ordered Girl, Reconstructed: Crafting a Creative Business as a Special Needs Mom as soon as it was available. And Nellie was also kind enough to gift me with a signed copy of her book.
Girl, Reconstructed: Crafting a Creative Business as a Special-Needs Mom offers encouragement and inspiration particularly to crafty special-needs moms who might want to turn their creative passion into profits.
The moment I started her book, I thought back to when Norrin was first diagnosed with autism. I was about to graduate from Lehman College and Graduate school was a few months away. I was working full-time and quitting wasn’t an option. And I wanted to write. I remember standing in front of the special needs section at Barnes & Nobles and thinking – How the hell am I going to do this? Not a single book on the shelf reflected anyone that looked like me or a world similar to mine.
As a blogger I get a lot of emails to review books. Honestly, it’s tough to keep up. I don’t read as many books as I’d like. Nellie’s is different.
Girl, Reconstructed is the book I wish I could have read 8 years ago, when Norrin was first diagnosed with autism.
Girl, Reconstructed: Crafting a Creative Business as a #SpecialNeeds Mom Click To TweetIt’s not a book a step-by-step tutorial on starting your online business – it’s an inspirational guide, filled with strategies and resources. Prior to starting her Etsy shop, Nellie “needed to start by having a shift in mindset.” This is something many moms – atypical or not – can relate to. So often as moms, we make excuses, putting our wants/needs at the bottom of the to-do list. Nellie shares how and why she gave herself permission to pursue her passions.
Nellie pours out her heart and soul in strategies, quotes, ideas, and resources to help you along your journey. But most important of all, she has used herself as an example to show you that if she can do it, you can too!
If you have a special-needs child(ren), are creative in any way, and are finding it difficult to work outside of the home, you too can begin your journey in creative entrepreneurship. No excuses, it is possible. Just start with what you have and start now.
Motherhood is an amazing and often all consuming gift. It can easily take over our entire life and sense of purpose. “I wanted my creative endeavors, including my business, to give me a break from autism, from the all-consuming world of special needs talk,” Nellie shares. That desire to be your own person outside of being a special needs mom isn’t selfish – it’s a necessity.
Girl, Reconstructed empowers moms to pursue their passions without guilt. Click ⇒ Order your copy (digital or paperback) on Amazon.
Thank you so much for this amazing review. I am so honored!